Theralase Laser Therapy
Theralase laser is unmatched in the laser industry. It penetrates further, heals faster, and relieves your suffering; sometimes after only minutes of treatment.
Theralase therapeutic laser treatments provide patients with a safe, effective and painless therapy that stimulates the body’s own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.
Theralase lasers work by supplying energy to the body in the form of billions of photons of light. The body absorbs this laser light on a cellular level and transforms it into chemical energy, which the body then uses to power up its own tissue repairs.
Theralase’s dual wavelength super pulsing technology can penetrate up to 4” into tissue activating three known cellular pathways at the source of tissue injury. These are:
1. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Pathway: Accelerates Healing
2. Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway: Reduces Inflammation
3. Lipid Absorption Pathway: Decreases Pain
Depending on the severity of injury, you may find you can return to an active lifestyle pain-free or with less pain within a few weeks versus months or years of life altering pain with no side effects.
Over 3,000 clinical studies world wide have demonstrated the success of therapeutic lasers in the healing of neural muscular-skeletal conditions. Theralase has performed a blinded randomized control study on chronic knee pain proving the clinical efficacy of Theralase therapeutic laser technology and achieving FDA 510(k) approval for chronic knee pain.
Common Conditions Treated include:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Tennis elbow
Hip pain
Knee pain
- Heel pain
Sprains/ strains
Carpal tunnel
A laser session lasts between 8-15 minutes per affected area. Using laser alone, it roughly takes:
5 treatments for an acute condition
10 treatments for sub-acute conditions
20 treatments for chronic conditions
Laser therapy can stand alone as treatment or be combined with other therapies such as chiropractic adjustments or soft tissue therapy. The above numbers are based on studies done using laser alone and are estimates.